Jason Jones

Senior Systems Engineer

Relevant Experience:24 years

Education:Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering - University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Bachelor of Arts, Music (Piano) - University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Master of Engineering - University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Engineering Management Certificate - University of Colorado, Boulder, CO

Experience in the field

  • Summative usability study protocol development for several clients
  • Dedicated Infusion Sets: Requirements/Traceability Remediation across entire product family
  • Semi-automated pharmacy compounding system: Systems Engineer (Risks, Requirements, Formative Usability Studies)
  • Regional Oxygen Saturation Monitoring – Standalone system: Technical lead
  • Regional Oxygen Saturation Monitoring – OEM partner device: Technical lead / Systems lead
  • Continuous glucose monitor: Hardware lead
  • Cardiac ICD remote monitoring devices: Analog lead
  • Ophthalmic Surgical Device: Electrical Engineer
  • Support of innumerable others in various roles

What’s the most interesting Medical Device project you’ve worked on and why?

The most interesting medical product I worked on was an eye surgery device. It was a highly complex, interconnected piece of equipment on a physiologically very interesting part of the body.

What do you like about working at Tensentric?

The competence of the employees, the environment of trust and support, and a permeating confidence that challenges can and will be overcome.

What unique set of skills do you bring to Tensentric?

The most important skill that I bring is the ability to hear stated desires from various stakeholders and help come to solutions that meet their real needs. I have always gravitated to the system-level interactions of products, and enjoy the cross-functional and cross-team collaboration for a shared purpose bigger than just one part.

If you couldn’t be an engineer what would you be? Why?

Perhaps an architect, for the experience of watching something on paper become a real structure. Or perhaps something in the music tech arena (sound production, etc.).