Brinn Busch

Manufacturing Engineer

Relevant Experience:6 years

Education:B.S. Mechanical Engineering - University of Denver, Denver, CO

Experience in the field

Tensentric is the first place I have worked in this field, but I was exposed to the industry throughout my undergrad experience!

What do you like about working at a company that designs medical products?

Besides being able to help a diverse group of people, I like the fast-pace and everchanging products. There is always a new problem and need for a new product.

What do you like about working at Tensentric?

The environment at Tensentric is welcoming and friendly. This promotes the collaborative nature of the company, which I thrive off – plus there are great snacks!

What unique set of skills do you bring to Tensentric?

I try and promote positivity every day in the workplace. When positivity is brought to a project, the team can focus on finding solutions rather than getting stuck on the problem. I also find the efficiency of manufacturing a product fascinating – Manufacturability is just as important as the design!

What hobbies or non-work activities are you most passionate about?

I enjoy hiking, swimming, doing ceramics, camping, biking and the occasional pick-up water polo game.

Where were you born/where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in Houston, TX (the only true Texan in my family). My parents now live in northern Minnesota, so that’s where I go to freeze over holidays.

When you were in elementary school, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I always wanted to be president in elementary school, but I had a backup plan of being a teacher. Discovering my love of science and helping others brought me here!