Bob Smith

Principal Industrial Designer

Relevant Experience:44 years

Education:Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS Bachelor of Arts, Industrial Design, Art Institute of Colorado, Denver, CO

Experience in the field

  • Portable BD FACSPresto™ Point-of-Care CD4 Counter System for Resource-limited Settings
  • Graphical User Interface Design for Therapeutic and Diagnostic Devices
  • Automated Pharmaceutical Dispensing & Packaging Machine
  • Impini Speedway™ Fixed RFID Readers
  • Honeywell Telemonitoring System
  • Cart-based Ultrasound Imaging System for Resource-limited Settings
  • Cart-based Artherectomy Imaging System
  • Medical Diagnostic Probe (including disposable)
  • Semi-implantable Hearing Device
  • Knee Joint Pain Therapy Device
  • Hologic/GenProbe Tigris™ DTS System- Molecular Diagnostics Testing
  • RiboPrinter™ Food Pathogen Analyzer

What unique set of skills do you bring to Tensentric?

System/Product focus while advocating the needs of the end-user

Rapid visualization of stakeholders’ ideas via mock-ups and simulations

Passion for highly desirable, technically feasible, viable and usable products

What’s the most interesting medical device you’ve worked on?

Dupont/Qaulicon’s RiboPrinter™. My first fully integrated, nucleic acid-based diagnostic product. I experienced the value that industrial design brings to New Product Development. A career changing project.

What hobbies or non-work activities are you most passionate about?

Filmmaking. Fundamental to filmmaking is having and sharing strong stories, viewpoints and images.

When you were in elementary school, what did you want to be when you grew up?

An inventor. I was always making props and vehicles to go with my toys.