Ralph Wieland

Senior Software Engineer

Relevant Experience:40 years

Education:Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering, General Motors Institute, Flint, MI

Experience in the field

  • OxyStat 3775 portable SpO2 monitor – Embedded system electrical development
  • Anesthetic gas monitors –Electronics development, project management
  • NeuroSearch-24 EEG brain wave analyzer – Software development
  • Ear thermometer for home healthcare applications – Software development
  • G-Line Critical Care Continuous Glucose Monitor – Software development
  • TOC Total Organic Carbon analyzer for pharmaceutical – Engineering Management

What’s the most interesting Medical Device project you’ve worked on and why?

A pulse oximeter that flew as part of an experiment on Discovery. Why? Because it flew on Discovery and because it was a small focused team that completed the project object to a successful outcome and a trip to NASA to watch it launch at night.

If you could work on any type of medical device project, what would it be and why would you want to work on it?

Disabilities engineering because most people are disabled at some point in their lives and there are many technological opportunities that make a positive impact. I learned a lot about the disabled communities during the development of an electronic voting machine, especially that they want to be able to do what other non-disabled people can do. The voting machine accommodated people with disabilities. Also learned that everyone will be disabled at some point in his or her lives, and devices can have a significant impact.

What do you like about working at Tensentric?

An atmosphere that promotes creative solutions. New and unconventional ideas are welcome at Tensentric; ability to be unconventional in solutions.

What unique set of skills do you bring to Tensentric?

Years of experience developing easy to use high reliability products. Designing things to be as simple as possible; my design process is taking things away to make the user interface easy to use.

What hobbies or non-work activities are you most passionate about?

Sailing and traveling. I learned to sail in California and hope to sail more internationally.