Maliea Van

Biochemical Engineer

Relevant Experience:5 years

Education:B.S. Chemical and Biological Engineering - Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO Minor in Biomedical Engineering - Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

Experience in the field

I got my start in the field as a Systems Engineering Intern with Tensentric in 2019. After getting my degree, I started full time as a Biochemical Engineer in 2020.

What do you like about working at a company that designs medical products?

I have always been interested in the medical field, while also having strong problem solving skills that made engineering a natural choice. It’s also always been important to me that my career has a positive impact on society in some way. Designing medical products is the perfect fit for me because I can combine my passions and skills in a way that allows me to improve people’s lives through advancements to the medical field.

What hobbies or non-work activities are you most passionate about?

I love to be outside as much as possible, Colorado is the best playground! My favorite activities are hiking, camping and skiing. I’m also passionate about travel and find myself drawn to the mountains wherever I go.

Where were you born/where did you grow up?

I was born in Boulder, and grew up just down the road in Golden.