Jack Jackson

Chief Financial Officer

Relevant Experience:28 years

Education:BS Finance & Business Administration - University of Nebraska, Lincoln, MBA Finance & Strategic Managment- University of Minnesota

What is your experience in the field?

I worked for Medtronic in various finance roles, spending the last several years as the finance leader for the Neurosurgery Business in Louisville, CO.  I really enjoy partnering with engineering teams and commercial teams to provide new devices and therapies for unmet medical needs.

What do you like about working at Tensentric?

I appreciate partnering with a very talented engineering team and strong leadership team to develop new technologies in an innovative environment.  We are able to move quickly to deliver excellent solutions for our clients.

What’s the most interesting medical device project you’ve worked on and why?

I enjoyed working with our engineering team in developing a next generation navigation and imaging system for spine and cranial procedures coupled with a robotic system.

What hobbies or non-work activities are you most passionate about?

I enjoy hiking, camping, fly-fishing, history, and baseball with my wife and family.

When you were in elementary school, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I was a math & science kid in elementary school.  I am now able to support of our engineering team in developing amazing designs for medical devices.

Where are you from and how did you end up in Colorado?

I grew up in Nebraska, lived in Minnesota and Switzerland.  I then moved to Colorado as the finance leader for the Medtronic Neurosurgery Business in Louisville, CO.

What do you like about working at a company that designs medical products?

I value knowing that my efforts contribute toward developing medical devices that sustain life or improve the quality of life for the patients who are the recipients of our products.

If you could join one rock band, which one would you join and why?

I would join U2.  I have always enjoyed their music and it reminds me of traveling in Europe.

What do you like most about living in Colorado?

I like living close to the mountains where we can hike, camp, fish, and ski.

If you could go back in time, where and what time would you travel to and why?

I would be interested to go back in time to meet with the leaders of the Revolutionary War.