Dante Pasionek

Software Engineer

Relevant Experience:6 years

Education:B.S. Computer Science - University of Colorado, Boulder

Experience in the field

After interning at Tensentric in 2018 during my senior year of college, I realized that I have a huge passion for medical device software development. In the years since my internship, I’ve had the opportunity to work on several devices across many fields including Cell & Gene Therapy, life sciences, and of course medical devices. I have specific experience using C#, C/++, Python, Kotlin, and a variety of other languages to solve complex problems at Tensentric. Additionally, I have experience working in the regulated medical device industry, adhering to FDA guidance and standards including the new cybersecurity guidance.

What do you like about working at Tensentric?

The best part of working at Tensentric is the ability to collaborate with an incredible team. The Tensentric culture promotes an engaging and productive mindset when it comes to solving difficult problems we face when we design devices. All our rockstars have diverse and experienced backgrounds, and those qualities help us approach these difficult problems with unique solutions.

What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on?

The most interesting Cell and Gene therapy device I’ve worked on was a device that revolutionized the way that DNA can be synthesized. Collaborating with a company whose scientists were on the cutting edge of DNA synthesis, Tensentric was able to create a device that enabled this novel chemistry to produce the world’s longest de novo synthesis of DNA!

What unique set of skills do you bring to Tensentric?

I have a passion for combining computer science with biology, being able to understand both helps me create well round solutions that are applicable for each project. I also love learning new things, working with new programming languages and the most recent technology helps keep me informed about the direction that technology is moving and how to keep Tensentric on the bleeding edge.

What hobbies or non-work activities are you most passionate about?

Outside of work, I’m passionate about brining visibility of the LGBTQIA+ community in STEM. I enjoy volunteering my skills and experiences to organizations that support queer kids, teens, and young adults so that they can feel comfortable with who they are and know that there is a place for them in STEM and the world in general.

If you could go back in time, where and what time would you travel to and why?

If I could go back in time, I’d probably want to travel back to when Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour initially went on sale, and gotten tickets then instead of the day of… (I don’t regret it)

Where were you born/where did you grow up?

I grew up in the mountains of Colorado, attending Nederland High School, where my graduating class was a total of 30 people. I love the mountains, and it is my hope that one day I can live there again! Although, I will be waiting until I can find comparable internet speeds…