Chris Klumph

Principal Software Engineer

Relevant Experience:16 years

Education:Honors Graduate, Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

Experience in the field

  • Developed drivers and firmware for a 25-axis PLC robotic biological sample processing machine – Embedded Software Engineer
  • Implemented GUI and control software for color touchscreen STD IVD device – Embedded Software Engineer
  • Designed and coded a DSP controller in C that interfaced with an FPGA and custom RF board to send and receive 64-QAM radio signals – Embedded Software Engineer
  • Implemented a functional test platform for Cardiac Ablation catheters using NI Labview and Teststand – Embedded Software Engineer
  • Fluorescence Microscopy product for CD4 counting – Software Engineer

What’s the most interesting Medical Device project you’ve worked on and why?

The robotic vial processing system was my favorite because of the huge project size and the breadth of hardware we were able to work with: PLCs, pumps, motor controllers, sensors, etc.

If you could work on any type of medical device project, what would it be and why would you want to work on it?

Product that would make a medical diagnosis or procedure cheaper for or more accessible to the masses, which would have the most impact on saving / improving lives.

What do you like about working at Tensentric?

Technically-challenging projects and trustworthy, talented co-workers I can problem-solve with.

What unique set of skills do you bring to Tensentric?

A firm grasp of the details without sacrificing big picture clarity.

If you couldn’t be an engineer what would you be? Why?

I love the creative part of photo and video editing, but have also taken a great interest in home improvement projects recently.

When you were in elementary school, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A geologist, because I loved collecting unique and interesting rocks. Then, then I was 10, we got our first computer which launched me into trying to understand and learn all I could about technology and software.